Saturday, February 9, 2008

Keyword Density - How does it factor?

I have seen sites rank #1 with only one mention of a keyword combination. And have seen sites with 25% keyword density rank as well. So what's the right ammount to shoot for? How do i know when it's too much? When it's too little?

I would check the keyword density of your competitors for a specific keyword and try to make yours about the same. So for the keyword you are trying to rank for, go to google and do a search. Check the keyword density of the top 5 or ten listings, get an average and shoot for that.

There is a lot of disagreement regarding the optimal keyword density – the % of unique content on the page that contains target keywords. There are many ideas on the subject but no definitive answers due to the mixed results that different people get. It is recommended that anchor text on backlinks should also be optimized for keywords that are on the page.

My friend suggests 3-5% “focus on keyword density between 3%-5% along with image & hyperlink alt/title tags to analyze the affects of overall ranking. The page is #1 in Google for the term.”

He ran tests on 3 different groups of doorway pages, with 3-5%, 7-9%, and 13-15% keyword densities on each. The 3-5% group had the longest lasting affect: “These pages indexed within 7-14 days & 2 of these pages still remain on the first page of google for there search terms 2 months later.”

Test pages in the other keyword density groups dropped out of the SERPs completely after 1-2 weeks.

I think the exact % of keyword density may not be significant due to all of the thousands of factors that google uses for rankings.

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