Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blog Share Indexing Strategies and Results

For most of us, the most important goal or WIG each year is our indexing strategy. From getting it in as quickly as possible to holding it as long as possible, all of us are constantly testing and tweaking our formula.

If we all grouped together and consistently shared this data, we would all benefit. The G team has a team of over 100 Phds constantly adjusting the algorithm, so we need to create our own team of SEO Phds to test and share data.

I will start off by sharing my parasite hosting indexing stategy that does well, but definitely could be better.

A) I roll out 30-45 blog entries via blogger daily across 20 new blogs.
B) For each set of 10 blogs I create a new blogger account.
C) I have one blog entry (Core Entry) for each blog set that is a current topic with excellent content.
D) Each core entry is submitted by hand to the following sites:,,, and I rotate ips via dial up for every two Core Entry submissions.

This process will each set of 30-45 blog entries into google in about 5 hours. It is picked up by Yahoo witihin 5-7 days. Extra 1000+ uniques daily from Digg and Netscape.

Google rankings are good for 24-48 hours and then fall off rapidly after that. 10% remain indexed after this fall off and continue to feed residual traffic.

a) Scrape google, msn, yahoo results for keyword... get my content.

b) Spruce up my content with font fun. bold, italic, underline, h1.

c) Setup WP on sub-domains

d) Blog created using Main genre keyword, posts all relating to main keyword using 2-3 word. ex: Main( Tourism ) : Posts( US tourism;Sub-US(Florida Tourism)) and such.

e) Interlink all relating pages with WP plugin( displays links to relating posts/pages)

f) Steady non explosive ping to pingers of blog posts.

g) Get backlinks( parasitic(wikis, members, html upload on free host, comments, trackbacks)

h) Repeat steps.

I would also be interested in what plugins others are using to enhance their rankings/links or any tactics that boost their blogs.

1) Buy expired domain with some age, backlinks, ranking and maybe even PR...

2) Scrape search engines for content - Generate static html pages, using my own content generator (nothing fancy)

3) This is my weakness, I'm currently working on finding ways of bringing more links to those sites. For now I just use the QUIT tool...

Some domains pick up really well in google, but get banned in 5-6 days, so I need to figure out how to make the survive longer....(I recently uninstalled gay google toolbar as suggested by some members of this forum).

What I need to work on:
Building more backlinks, apparently.

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