Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Blogger blogs get you indexed faster.."

In the sales shit for Blogger Generator (, Joseph Tierney claims:

"Blogger blogs get you indexed 4 weeks faster and more pages indexed overall than using Wordpress blogs or any other type of blog hosted on your own server - The only thing is you need a lot of them!"

Is this still true (if it ever was)?

Parasite blogs certainly appeal to me because of their 0 cost. I'd much rather have 10,000 or blogs than 10,000 self-hosted blogs.

But will I get the same results with free versus my own domains?

It used to be true. The problem is not that the engines dont index links from blogspot faster but rather that blogspot has become VERY aggresive with splogs. They will only do you good if you treat them carefully.

Generate them rotating proxies
dont include numbers or funny characters in the subdomain name
dont include keyword-keyword in the domain name
dont post markov chained content
dont post rss feeds (unless you find a way through the design to make them part of a nice layout which also includes other content)
dont post 1000 links 5 minutes after creating them ( may sound obvious but we used to do this and it worked)

In a nutshell, try to stay below the radar. Yahoo will love you.

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