Saturday, February 9, 2008

Best ways to get indexed

What are your best ways to get indexed? It used to be that I got easily indexed with my sites using only blogger, now its bit harder for me with google now, but its still working with Yahoo very well. After recent changes with blogger I wonder Blogger will work long, so I'm looking for new ways to get indexed. What do you use? I use Blogger and I can tell that it still works if you have enough blogs.

I know it's hard to share good techniues to the public, so I know you won't tell exactly what you do, please just tell moreless what you are using, I think we could learn a lot from our experience what works now best for indexing

Are you trying to index multiple pages/sites every day, or just get a new website indexed ever few days or every week or so?

I'd think the former would require some kind of automation - or maybe hiring someone in a 3rd world country for $10/day - but the latter could be done manually by yourself.

..I think it's possible to get indexed within a couple days max by inserting your website's link into a sig at a popular discussion forum... one method is to become an active participant at any one forum, even if it isn't related to your websites' themes, and whenever you have a new site just change your sig in that forum to reflect the new site. If it's a popular forum, chances are it gets spidered fairly frequently and they'll spot the link in at least one of your many posts there (since now every post you ever made has your new sig)... The more popular the forum the better.

Another way might be to create a post at a forum related to your new website's theme and get a sig with a link there. That way the url will be permanent (since you won't be flipping your sig every few days or week as in the above method) AND it will be related to that particular forums topic which SEs always like to see (theme related vs unrelated outbound links).

That's a bit tougher because some forums don't allow sigs or you may have to make a minimum number of posts before your sig will appear - so more work but better potential pay off in the long run.

If it's just to get noticed, then the first method should work. And add in a few genuine comments at similar themed blogs that include a link is good too.

That's my 2 cents. Feel free to expand on what you're looking for and maybe a few better ideas will be forthcoming.

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