Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pinging: comments and questions

I'd like to ask a question and also make some comments on pinging. The main question I suppose to those out there pinging away with 3rd party tools (particularly for WP blogs) is why do you do it?

But here's my 2 cents worth
WP automatically pings when you post to it, so why ping seperately? Technorati in particular (and in my experience they are the best to ping to, to get your spider interest happening) is getting smarter in the way they pick up splogs, and if you're pinging away with a pinging program or similar, they're going to find out pretty quicky and ban your blog from their pages.

What I've found that works (and works well for me):
-Only ping Pingomatic, not Technorati directly, if you are pinging them directly they are more likely to pick up that it's a splog + it's less server and resource intensive this way as opposed to pinging a whole pile of different sites.
-Only ping via WP
- If you're scraping content, don't add it to your blog to often, I had a couple of sites scraping every 3 hours and they pinged Technorati as they posted the scraped content, they were all banned within a week. Usually I put the chron jobs on 12 to 24 hour cycles, at different times of the day as well for each one so it doesn't look to obvious to them
- Use unique IP addresses for each blog, I had a couple of blogs banned that were on a same IP may have be unrelated but I've never had it happen since using unique IP addresses for each.

I'm also a fan of Technorati tags as well, there a nice way of getting some reasonable startup traffic to a new site, and often a good way of building incoming links from other blogs as they discover you site (naturally the site shouldn't look spammy either).

These are probably pretty white hat things in theory, but they are a good way of building longer term value from your WP blogs with scraped content as well

Best ways to get indexed

What are your best ways to get indexed? It used to be that I got easily indexed with my sites using only blogger, now its bit harder for me with google now, but its still working with Yahoo very well. After recent changes with blogger I wonder Blogger will work long, so I'm looking for new ways to get indexed. What do you use? I use Blogger and I can tell that it still works if you have enough blogs.

I know it's hard to share good techniues to the public, so I know you won't tell exactly what you do, please just tell moreless what you are using, I think we could learn a lot from our experience what works now best for indexing

Are you trying to index multiple pages/sites every day, or just get a new website indexed ever few days or every week or so?

I'd think the former would require some kind of automation - or maybe hiring someone in a 3rd world country for $10/day - but the latter could be done manually by yourself.

..I think it's possible to get indexed within a couple days max by inserting your website's link into a sig at a popular discussion forum... one method is to become an active participant at any one forum, even if it isn't related to your websites' themes, and whenever you have a new site just change your sig in that forum to reflect the new site. If it's a popular forum, chances are it gets spidered fairly frequently and they'll spot the link in at least one of your many posts there (since now every post you ever made has your new sig)... The more popular the forum the better.

Another way might be to create a post at a forum related to your new website's theme and get a sig with a link there. That way the url will be permanent (since you won't be flipping your sig every few days or week as in the above method) AND it will be related to that particular forums topic which SEs always like to see (theme related vs unrelated outbound links).

That's a bit tougher because some forums don't allow sigs or you may have to make a minimum number of posts before your sig will appear - so more work but better potential pay off in the long run.

If it's just to get noticed, then the first method should work. And add in a few genuine comments at similar themed blogs that include a link is good too.

That's my 2 cents. Feel free to expand on what you're looking for and maybe a few better ideas will be forthcoming.

Blogging for beginners

To repay Quadszilla's generosity in including me as here at the SEO BlackHat forums I thought I might start with some of the fundamentals. By way of introduction I'm not known as a blackhat, indeed I'd probably be one of the few ppl here at the SEOBlackhat forums who comes from a publicly White Hat background, although having said that I'm probably more grey that white, after all, who doesn't seriously admit to themselves that they dabble in the dark side, and indeed in my time involved in blogging, things that were frowned upon and considered black hat 3-4 years ago are today mainstream practices. I've previously owned a Technorati Top 100 blog, and also founded a blogging company that took millions of dollars (US of course) in VC funding, so as much as I don't won't to beat my own drum, I've got half an idea.

I don't frown on anything ppl do here. We're all looking for opportunities, and we all have different ways of succeeding. It probably also helps that I use Akismet on all my blogs, therefore I find comment spamming less repugnant because I don't have to deal with it

One thing that I have noted though, amongst some members, is a lack of basic knowledge of blogging. Not everyone, but some. By understanding I mean knowing the fundamentals. Everyone has an idea of what blogging is, but if you understand the fundamentals...well your imagination follows.

So take this as part 1 on the basics, exclusive to the SEO BlackHat forums. . This isn't for everyone, I know for example that for Quadszilla it's a matter of preaching to the converted. But I hope some of you might get something from the series.

Starting a Blog
OK, so you all know that blogs can be good for SEO and revenue. That's the easy part, but where do you start.

Choice is something you'll never lack when it comes to blogging. The question then becomes: what platform is easy enough to use that still has the potential to rank well with the Search Engines. Blogger was the platform of choice in blackhat and even non-blackhat circles for many years. Free hosting, easy to get indexed etc..., but I would argue that those days have passed. Google has long since decided that splogs on Blogger don't rank, sure, some still do, but we're in a numbers game, and you're chances are getting slimmer every day. You can take a look at some of the alternative free platforms, comes to mind, but talk to anyone who has seriously tried to game it, you're looking at 1/1000 chance of still being there 1 month in, and 1 in a whole lot more after that. My personal recommendation is to go with Wordpress on your own server or hosting account. I've road tested a lot of different blogging platforms, and indeed was a MT user for a couple of years, but for ease of use you cant beat WordPress.

The best thing about using WP is the range of templates available. I can't speak for everyone's niche, but certainly any 3 column template will usually suffice. Take a look at some of the commentary on the particular template if you really want to, because SEO wise they aren't all created equally. The Cutline theme ( is my current recommend choice, it's set up really well in terms of SEO. However, if you're looking at maximizing your CTR on ads, I'd edit Cutline so the sidebar is on the left, as opposed to the right. It's not a hard hack to make.

Once you've set it all up, you've got the choice between an automated script and blogging yourself. You can go to a site such as for your automated plugins of choice. Personally, they don't cut it for me, but having said that if you've got a little bit of programing knowledge you should be able to tweak one to your liking. (I've got a plugin under development that does a much better job in terms of auto posting....I will let everyone in on it once it's finished, with a decent discount as well). If you don't want to autopost, physically blogging isn't all that hard, indeed it's easy if you want traffic.

Here is a secret you wont find most places elsewhere. Gossip=pageviews. Blogging to multiple blogs isn't really hard, if you know where you're looking. The easiest of all topics are celebrities. OK, so they won't top any eCPM lists, but they pay well, and it's easy to get traffic, really, really easy. Your key is to setup a RSS reader account (I personally use Bloglines) that follows the leading celebrity blogging sites. To create content you cut and paste the text, changing it a little naturally, and repost their pictures as well. If you want to be really legit, you'll link to the source, but end of the day, they would have stolen that story from some where else anyway. I've got blogs I haven't posted to in 6 months still making $10-$20 a day for me based on this sort of blogging.

High paying keywords
OK, so everyone has a mesothelioma site. Here's a wise tip, you can try but you won't succeed. Every man and his dog are trying for the "top list". The key with a new blog is to find an under-catered for niche. There are a pile of them out there, particularly amongst blogs. Honesty you can make more money on a mid-range CPM term than you will on a higher paying one.

That's it for now, a rough guide to blogging, more soon.

"Blogger blogs get you indexed faster.."

In the sales shit for Blogger Generator (, Joseph Tierney claims:

"Blogger blogs get you indexed 4 weeks faster and more pages indexed overall than using Wordpress blogs or any other type of blog hosted on your own server - The only thing is you need a lot of them!"

Is this still true (if it ever was)?

Parasite blogs certainly appeal to me because of their 0 cost. I'd much rather have 10,000 or blogs than 10,000 self-hosted blogs.

But will I get the same results with free versus my own domains?

It used to be true. The problem is not that the engines dont index links from blogspot faster but rather that blogspot has become VERY aggresive with splogs. They will only do you good if you treat them carefully.

Generate them rotating proxies
dont include numbers or funny characters in the subdomain name
dont include keyword-keyword in the domain name
dont post markov chained content
dont post rss feeds (unless you find a way through the design to make them part of a nice layout which also includes other content)
dont post 1000 links 5 minutes after creating them ( may sound obvious but we used to do this and it worked)

In a nutshell, try to stay below the radar. Yahoo will love you.

Blog Share Indexing Strategies and Results

For most of us, the most important goal or WIG each year is our indexing strategy. From getting it in as quickly as possible to holding it as long as possible, all of us are constantly testing and tweaking our formula.

If we all grouped together and consistently shared this data, we would all benefit. The G team has a team of over 100 Phds constantly adjusting the algorithm, so we need to create our own team of SEO Phds to test and share data.

I will start off by sharing my parasite hosting indexing stategy that does well, but definitely could be better.

A) I roll out 30-45 blog entries via blogger daily across 20 new blogs.
B) For each set of 10 blogs I create a new blogger account.
C) I have one blog entry (Core Entry) for each blog set that is a current topic with excellent content.
D) Each core entry is submitted by hand to the following sites:,,, and I rotate ips via dial up for every two Core Entry submissions.

This process will each set of 30-45 blog entries into google in about 5 hours. It is picked up by Yahoo witihin 5-7 days. Extra 1000+ uniques daily from Digg and Netscape.

Google rankings are good for 24-48 hours and then fall off rapidly after that. 10% remain indexed after this fall off and continue to feed residual traffic.

a) Scrape google, msn, yahoo results for keyword... get my content.

b) Spruce up my content with font fun. bold, italic, underline, h1.

c) Setup WP on sub-domains

d) Blog created using Main genre keyword, posts all relating to main keyword using 2-3 word. ex: Main( Tourism ) : Posts( US tourism;Sub-US(Florida Tourism)) and such.

e) Interlink all relating pages with WP plugin( displays links to relating posts/pages)

f) Steady non explosive ping to pingers of blog posts.

g) Get backlinks( parasitic(wikis, members, html upload on free host, comments, trackbacks)

h) Repeat steps.

I would also be interested in what plugins others are using to enhance their rankings/links or any tactics that boost their blogs.

1) Buy expired domain with some age, backlinks, ranking and maybe even PR...

2) Scrape search engines for content - Generate static html pages, using my own content generator (nothing fancy)

3) This is my weakness, I'm currently working on finding ways of bringing more links to those sites. For now I just use the QUIT tool...

Some domains pick up really well in google, but get banned in 5-6 days, so I need to figure out how to make the survive longer....(I recently uninstalled gay google toolbar as suggested by some members of this forum).

What I need to work on:
Building more backlinks, apparently.

Best keyword related tools

Here are the ones I know of...

With volumes -
Keyword Discovery:

Without volumes -
Adwords Keyword Tool:
Google Sets:
Keyword Group Detection:

Related -
Adwords list generator:
A shitload of other keyword tools:

I know I'm forgetting some. I'll update if I remember more. Hope that helps.

Keyword Density - How does it factor?

I have seen sites rank #1 with only one mention of a keyword combination. And have seen sites with 25% keyword density rank as well. So what's the right ammount to shoot for? How do i know when it's too much? When it's too little?

I would check the keyword density of your competitors for a specific keyword and try to make yours about the same. So for the keyword you are trying to rank for, go to google and do a search. Check the keyword density of the top 5 or ten listings, get an average and shoot for that.

There is a lot of disagreement regarding the optimal keyword density – the % of unique content on the page that contains target keywords. There are many ideas on the subject but no definitive answers due to the mixed results that different people get. It is recommended that anchor text on backlinks should also be optimized for keywords that are on the page.

My friend suggests 3-5% “focus on keyword density between 3%-5% along with image & hyperlink alt/title tags to analyze the affects of overall ranking. The page is #1 in Google for the term.”

He ran tests on 3 different groups of doorway pages, with 3-5%, 7-9%, and 13-15% keyword densities on each. The 3-5% group had the longest lasting affect: “These pages indexed within 7-14 days & 2 of these pages still remain on the first page of google for there search terms 2 months later.”

Test pages in the other keyword density groups dropped out of the SERPs completely after 1-2 weeks.

I think the exact % of keyword density may not be significant due to all of the thousands of factors that google uses for rankings.
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